Our Civic Beautification program started with early members digging six beds and planting annuals at major intersections and continues today with an ever-increasing number of sites around town.

Civic Beautification - Town Area Sites Map

  1. DPW Stone Planter North Meadows Road
  2. Hospital Road and Harding Streets
  3. Hospital Road and Route 27
  4. Hospital Road at McCarthy Field
  5. Library Containers and In-ground Gardens
  6. Meeting House Pond and Meader Memorial
  7. North and Harding Streets
  8. North and Pine Streets
  9. North Street and Route 109
  10. Public Safety Building
  11. Route 109 and Causeway Street
  12. Route 109 and Hartford Street
  13. Route 109 East Stone Planter
  14. Route 109 West Stone Planter
  15. Route 27 South Stone Planter
  16. Routes 109 and 27 containers
  17. South and Knollwood Streets
  18. South and Philip Streets
  19. South St. Ext. and Route 27
  20. Town House Planters

Our civic beautification efforts in the Town of Medfield depend on our major fundraisers–the Medfield Garden Club Holiday Home Sale and the Annual Spring Plant Sale–and on donations from the public. If you would like to help us in our four-season work to beautify Medfield’s highways, byways and public buildings, please donate here.

Map Credit: Bob Hoye